Ending the walk of the WOUNDED HEALER

Join this Free Video Guided Meditation Ceremony


It's time to be free of the need to FIX everyone around you. This gives you the opportunity to take that weight off your shoulders and lead in the NEW way.


Yes I need this!

Type in your details and I will instantly send you the video ceremony.

Your details are sacred and will not be shared


☑️ Identify where the wounded healer is showing up for you.

☑️ How to heal this aspect of yourself


☑️ Be free from the FIXER role


☑️ Embodiment tools to support you break the habitual patterns

☑️ As always with me- Bonus Gifts 

What Rachael's Clients are saying

Rach has taught me it is safe to trust and be held when needed.  To stand on my own two feet, it is normal to have wings, not only have wings but to be brave enough to leap and fly

Oh wow Rachael that was incredible!!! I did this on thursday and I needed a few days to really let it sink in, integrate it and process it all :)

I just makes sense to me now

so thank you very much amazing 

I love connecting with you thank you


If you are a conscious woman ready to discover the deepest most sacred parts of yourself

You are in the right place.
I’m  Rachael Te Wano your everyday mumma that cultivated my sOul gifts to birth a conscious business. This journey has granted me opportunities to travel to sacred lands, sharing tools of embodiment and self-activation..🐝
I offer a treasure trove of sacred practises empowering you to align with your highest potential, unravel the threads of your destiny, heal at the origin and activate the inherent wisdom within your DNA.

The women in my world are Raw, Real and Ready and we know we have to do it together.

Join us

As I always say....

“A Grounded Women will Change the World“

Join the Ceremony

Embody the freedom this healing shall give you